Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Pictures

Pretty in Pink
I love this one- it's like Where's Waldo with the same print everywhere :)Alot of time you miss how cute our shoes are, so we took one of our shoes!
Thank you to Grandma Boyd for the dresses, we (I) appreciate her efforts as she indulges my obsession to dress all my girls the same!
PS- Must not have learned my lesson the first time, as (in the ward prior to this one) I was -what seemed like an eternity- the enrichment counselor... as the new enrichment leader, please, Please, PLEASE feel free to pass along any fun ideas!


Chase and Kortney Crowley said...

Love the dresses! Super cute!!! I can't wait to have girls to dress up like that!

The Foulgers said...

Congrats on the new calling, I think that you will be awesome at that! Good luck!:)

Missy said...

You guys looked very cute as usual. I missed all the new callings today. Congrats! You will be great.

Marlaina said...

Congrats on your new calling! I'm sure we'll have some awesome activities!

thepainterfamily said...

cute shoes!

you are gonna do great with the new calling!

Mikki said...

Loved those dresses. So cute. Thanks for sharing your goodies with my boys during sacrament. I swear, you'd think they never eat at home or something. They're always bumming treats off of everybody at church. LOL

The High Family- said...

I love Aunt Judy and her indulging your(and my) obsession. She got all 3 of my boys the cutest matching shirts from Osh Kosh as a baby gift after I had Carter. The dresses are so cute. Good luck with your calling, I know you will be great!!