Kylie's Preschool went on a field trip to the Albertson's Grocery Store. The past few days, Kylie had told me that she didn't want me to go with on the field trip, so with her independence greatly stabbing my heart I sucked it up and wasn't planning on going. Gotta say, I didn't think it was going to be all that thrilling... it's a grocery store. This morning, Kylie was all about me coming with. So I was excited to be "needed" again and figured I'd tag along. Honestly, this field stop was so much fun!!!!!
Our guide, Buddy, was the sweetest old man who was excited and energetic... and he really made it fun for everyone (oh and there were free samples!) We toured all around, went in the back in the freezer, the kids got to touch a live lobster, and at the end they came home with a huge bag of goodies. Buddy just took products off the shelf and opened them up for the kids to have. Super fun, Kylie's nearly fallen asleep twice today but I keep waking her up. Matthew's got class tonight and I'd sooner have her fall asleep early so I can have a little R&R , or B&J -Ben and Jerry's.

Buddy asked, "who likes apples?" So they all raised their little hands. He also asked, who likes broccoli? And Kylie goes, "Me me, I like broccoli!" I'm like, who are you, no you don't!

She even got to decorate her own cupcake.
This was them all looking at and getting to touch the live lobster.
Goofball smile
(Just because I know I'll get a few comments asking, to clarify that's not my prego belly on the left... I won't call her out (Missy Mecham) but she's the only other prego Mommy---that we know of--- from our Preschool class)