Saturday, May 17, 2008

Primary Carnival

This morning the Primary put on a wonderful carnival for the kids! Kylie had so much fun playing games, and Kacey even got to participate a little too. After the games, they had hot dogs, chips and juice for everyone. Hats off to everyone who helped with it, it was so much fun!!!

Goofball smile again...

YES! Knocked them all down! She's even good lefty, she gets her athletic talents from me (yeah right!) Daddy and Kacey don't need games to have fun. He puts her on his shoulders and leans back a little and she holds on as tight as she can :) ...(PS- we go back to the dr Monday, hopefully the cast will come off)Any messages????They were doing ring-around-the-rosies waiting for lunch to be ready.
The older kids even let Kacey join in, she was thrilled.

Kylie standing in the back of a long line... let me tell you what happened. See that little boy in green, Brian Hulet (preschool teacher's oldest son). She was in the back of the line, he went over and got her and let her cut in front of him. He is the sweetest, I told Tate I want to take him home. He always makes a point to say hi to her. He puts his arms on Kylie's shoulders, hugs her- just genuinely a sweet, caring little fellow. He's almost 7 which works out perfect. He can go on his mission, then come home and they can get married. I've got it all planned out, one less thing for me to have to worry about :)

***************PS~ Hunter has a home!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Field Trip to Albertsons

Kylie's Preschool went on a field trip to the Albertson's Grocery Store. The past few days, Kylie had told me that she didn't want me to go with on the field trip, so with her independence greatly stabbing my heart I sucked it up and wasn't planning on going. Gotta say, I didn't think it was going to be all that thrilling... it's a grocery store. This morning, Kylie was all about me coming with. So I was excited to be "needed" again and figured I'd tag along. Honestly, this field stop was so much fun!!!!!
Our guide, Buddy, was the sweetest old man who was excited and energetic... and he really made it fun for everyone (oh and there were free samples!) We toured all around, went in the back in the freezer, the kids got to touch a live lobster, and at the end they came home with a huge bag of goodies. Buddy just took products off the shelf and opened them up for the kids to have. Super fun, Kylie's nearly fallen asleep twice today but I keep waking her up. Matthew's got class tonight and I'd sooner have her fall asleep early so I can have a little R&R , or B&J -Ben and Jerry's.

Buddy asked, "who likes apples?" So they all raised their little hands. He also asked, who likes broccoli? And Kylie goes, "Me me, I like broccoli!" I'm like, who are you, no you don't!

She even got to decorate her own cupcake.This was them all looking at and getting to touch the live lobster.

Goofball smile

(Just because I know I'll get a few comments asking, to clarify that's not my prego belly on the left... I won't call her out (Missy Mecham) but she's the only other prego Mommy---that we know of--- from our Preschool class)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mommy and Me!

My sweet friend Anna had a Mommy and Me! shoot this past Saturday in honor of Mother's Day. She is such a talented photographer, and I'm pressuring her to do the same thing for Father's Day :) Here's the link to her website so you can see the lovely pictures she took of me and my girls:

(you might be prompted to enter your email address to access it... for extended family, you can even buy prints directly from her on her site also)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Today has been really nice, since when did Mother's Day become the new Christmas? I guess since Christmas stopped being all about me and all about the girls :) hehe. Today's been great! Matthew's in the kitchen right now slaving over a hot stove :) making ham, mashed potatoes, veggies and crescent rolls. I'm not doing any dishes, or diapers for that matter, and my sweet husband will get to rub my feet later too! I'm going to milk it for all I can!!! After all it's only 24 hours, and I spent 8 sleeping, I've got to make the rest worth it. (although my goofy husband did roll over a few times last night, and in between snores said, "happy mother's day," he does the same thing on my birthday)

These pictures are from this morning before church. Bishop cancelled the early meetings, so Matthew was able to be home all morning with us. He took pictures of the girls while I was still upstairs getting ready.

Matthew was waiting at the bottom of the steps!

He got me a lovely orchaid to wear to church, as he does every year. He always remembers at 7 pm Saturday night, and goes out to buy one (and always brings home Ben and Jerry's too!)

Me really trying to not poke myself with the needle. Matthew was no help :)

We all went yellow today, as you can see above...

This is my favorite gift of all time. Kylie made it for me in Preschool, and I just opened it this morning. I LOVE IT! And I'll probably end up framing it and hanging it in our room.