And it's official, we have baby #3. We had our appointment yesterday, strong heartbeat. My due date is September 21st. So Kacey will have just turned 2 on September 5th... with a little luck, we will have her potty trained by this summer (fingers crossed!).
We took the girls to the appointment so they could hear the heartbeat and see the baby. Kacey didn't quite understand, but she was thrilled with the lollipop the nurse gave her. Kylie could not figure out why we were looking at a tv and not in my tummy. She goes, "no, the baby's in Mommy's tummy." She's been cute about it. She wants a girl, just ask her and she'll tell you. She looks through my belly button (like it's a port hole) and says that she can see the baby. And she'll try to tickle the baby by ticking my belly button.
Pregnancy checklist:
Cravings.... check! Nausea... UGH, double check! Tired all the time.... check! Looks like everything's right on target like my other pregnancies... too bad this was poor planning... I've already done the third trimester through the Las Vegas summer and it's terrible, what was I thinking to do it again!!!!! :)
And a little nervous about having three children. With two, Matthew and I can divide and conquer. With three, we're outnumbered... and let's face it, Kylie's getting smarter than us by the minute! And how do I cross the street with them? Three kids, all 4 years old and under... our house is going to be lots of fun!!!!!!!!