Sunday is our 6th year anniversary, so we were planning on going out Saturday night... but that's the ward pool party... so we went out tonight instead. Oh the difficulties of finding a restaurant!!! Matthew was thinking the Eiffel Tower Restaurant or Top of the World, I'm thinking like Chili's- any meal w/o children means peace and quiet, I don't need fancy frills! Needless to say, I showed him the online menus of his places (which grossed him out, and I think it's a red flag when half of the menu's in French and I don't even understand what half the English words mean... we have simpler palates... pheasant and rabbitt, yuck!)) So we went to Red Lobster! So yummy!!! (Thank you Yaya for watching the girls, they played hide-n-seek and of course sang and danced to Leslie Gore songs... they were so tired and ready for bed by the time we got home.)
And it completely figures, yummy peaceful meal at Red Lobster without the girls and I totally miss them the whole time. We took this picture because Kylie loves looking at the lobsters. So this one's for her. Matthew was a bottomless pit, eating his plate clean: snow crab legs, shrimp scampi, lobster tail, and fried shrimp. Me, not so much... I went off my "watching sodium intake so I don't swell up in my 3rd trimester" for this meal and I'm completely feeling it in my ankles already. Oh, and we should have taken a picture of our dessert, molten chocolate chip cookie a la mode. Delicious, should have started the meal with dessert!
So, Happy Anniversary Dear... obviously our wedding picture is to the right...
Here's a photo from when Matthew and I were dating.

This picture was taken over 8 years ago in front of my Oma's house, it looks like me (to me) but it looks like I'm with Matthew's youngest brother, Aaron.
Fun things you may not not about us:
1. We met at a tri-stake dance, Matthew was home from his mission and thought I was about 15-- I was 18. He asked me for my phone number over a dozen times that night and I kept telling him I'd be sure to give it to him before I left. Really, I had my number written down on some paper in my pocket, I just liked to hear him keep asking!
2. We lived about 30 miles away from each other... he would drive to come and pick me up (30 miles) drive us back to his town (60 miles) because he knew his way around and we'd go to the movies/mall/etc, then he'd take me home (90 miles) then he'd drive back home (120 miles). He did this about 5 days a week, for a year.
3. While we were dating, I transferred to BYU, so he transferred his job (with ADT even back then) out to Utah to be with me.
4. I don't call him Matt, ever- some of you may have picked up on that. Not that it's not his name or that he doesn't like it, everyone else calls him Matt. In fact, it's weird to him when other people call him Matthew-- we figure they don't know us yet or they only know him through me talking about him and referring to him as Matthew. I only call him Matthew, always have. He's not Matt to me- he's Matthew, that's just the way it is.
5. He'd sooner work 4 jobs than have me work. Even prior to having kids, I've never had a real "job"... When I graduated from BYU, I decided to put my Economics degree to work and started interviewing with a company. Then went back for a 2nd interview, and a 3rd, and they wanted me to come back for a 4th on a conference call with someone from Colorado or something like that--- it was becoming ridiculous--- Matthew told me to go and tell them where they could shove it... which is probably why I've never worked. I don't think he likes the idea of someone having authority over me and telling me what to do.
6. He'd give me his last dollar if I wanted a Slurpee- or some other frivolous thing... which I'm not sure if it shows why I do the money or just how much he loves me :) we'll go with the love thing.
7. He always says he's sorry first, which works out nicely because I've never been wrong since we've been married.