On our 2nd day there, they were dedicated a horse from the carousel to Julie Andrews... so we got to see her for a bit. My mother in law was so excited, I thought she was going to break out into song... "The Hills Are Alive...."
This one cracks me up, it was first thing in the morning... I guess Kacey's a bit tired.
For lunch we had corn dogs, I had no idea how huge they'd be!
****The Highlight (or Lowlight- depending on how you look at it) of the Trip****
We're driving home, the 4 hour trip took 6 hours because there was terrible traffic leaving LA. FINALLY, we were just a few miles from home, getting off 15 at Craig, it's dark outside... and Matthew runs a yellow light (which must have been on the red side) because we see sirens and a cop pulled us over. I quickly encouraged him to say his wife's pregnant and we're just a few miles from home and I have to go to the bathroom. Which totally happened like 4 times on this trip, so he said it... and the cop said that he had 3 kids also, and he let us go!!! :) Grandpa said to Matthew, "Didn't your heart drop when you saw those lights?" My quick witted husband said, "No my heart dropped when my wife told me to lie." :) Hehe, but it worked and it honestly wasn't even a lie, I can tinkle at any given time. Matthew still stands firm that the light was yellow while he was in the intersection, so the ticket (if he had gotten one) would not have been fairly justified. But he didn't get it, so all is well. The funny thing is I really got the idea from my mom. When I was Kylie's age, her and I were driving down to my grandmother's house and she got pulled over. She said that I had to go to the bathroom so she was rushing to the next rest stop... it worked then too. I must have the perfect face for a scapegoat.