Christmas morning flew by in a whirlwind, we were up at 7 am. Thank you Kacey, she's always up at 7 and she always wakes everyone up. Opening presents was slightly chaotic, wrapping paper everywhere, everyone talking, Christmas music on in the background. It was fun, then all of a sudden it was 12:30 pm. Crazy.
Kacey's favorite gift: Pony that links to the TV for learning games.
Kadyn's favorite gift: unknown, she's just happy to be apart of the group
But for argument sake, we'll say the doorway playhouse. In another few months, she'll be pulling herself up and this will be exciting for her.
My favorite gift: The massive dollhouse my parents bought for the girls, it's so awesome! I can't wait until the girls go to bed and I can have it all to myself. They got every single accessory for the furniture and the SUV. WOW!
Matthew's favorite gift: The gift I had to wait for all day Christmas Eve to sign for, from FedEx, his surprise ticket to the Rose Bowl. Row 5, I should be nominated for the Wife of the Year Award!
Merry Christmas Everyone!