Saturday, October 18, 2008
I Love To See The Temple,
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7:51 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
*Weekly Round-Up*
2. Kylie knows the concept of jail. Not sure how or why, I never told her about it. But there's no cartoons there or toys... only a bed and sink, and they wear black stripes like a zebra.
3. I was pulling into the garage, and I let my mom get out on the passanger side beforehand so I can get close to the garage cabinets, so there's enough room for Matthew's car (it's a tight squeeze). Kacey freaked out when Yaya took Kadyn out of the car. "That's my Kadyn! Don't take Baby Kadyn!" She was really upset, it was funny.
5. Last night for the first time, we did curlers in Kylie's hair. It was fun and when I took it out she said she had hair like Kacey. She's been prancing around today like a princess. She's been going around saying that she's adorable. My only concern is that she's going to want to do it everyday, and I don't know if I have the energy for that!
6. We walked into the house the other day, Kylie sat on the bottom step, took her shoes off, began rubbing her feet and said, "My feet are killing me!" Maybe it was her annoyed tone, I don't know... I could not stop laughing!
7. My tile grout annoys the living daylight out of me! (apparently no one else notices it, but it bugs me like you wouldn't believe!) I had Stanley Steemer come out for an estimate... HELLO, I mean I do have a lot of tile, but seriously, I don't think I spend that much on Christmas let alone spend it for cleaning grout (that will eventually get dirty again). So I sat myself down and for 2.5 hours, I scrubbed with a toothbrush and a baking soda mixture.
I'm only halfway done, I assume another 2.5 hours to go... (see how much it bothers me!) But the end result is worth it~ for me.
Posted by
1:46 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful....
1. That Kylie's in a great Preschool. I love what she learns, I love that she's so excited to go - I hope that sets the trend for her enjoying school in general. AND I've had Kylie in a crummy preschool before we moved to this end of LV, so I KNOW the difference. The difference between Mrs. Tate and the other preschool teacher she had for just a few months is like night and day! (and I'm thankful that Tate might might might do it next year which would be for Kacey!)
2. That I have a great Vet. Seems simple enough, but my Vet is really awesome. Today- Oct 16th- marks 2 years to the day that Maggie first experienced her seizuring episode. I was frantic, I didn't know what to do, it was scary to watch her seize. I was post partum with Kacey and an emotional wreck as I'm trying to carry my 75 pound dog down the steps and get her into the van. Anyway, my Vet was the best. I heard him in the back room, at first encouraging then forcing 2 other doctors (one to drive, one to administer meds to Maggie) to drive my dog to the specialist for me as I followed in my car. I realized that he did this because he thought I'd kill myself and my dog if she seizured while I was driving. (Matthew was in PHX on business) I thought for sure Maggie had hit her 9th life and that was it, but she's still ticking 2 years later!
3. That shots are over. I'm surprised you all didn't hear us with Dr. Santos on Tuesday afternoon. All 3 girls screaming their heads off, Matthew and I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. But everyone's good, no reactions from the shots. All is well, SO GLAD it's over!
4. Matthew's speaking in church on Sunday, just him... not me. (Not that I said no, they only asked him) Now I have to manage all 3 girls on my own as he sits up front... but I'm thinking it's worth it to not have to speak :)
5. Last but very not least, today also marks the 9th year since my baptism: Oct 16, 1999. :) I'm very grateful for that decision. I think I was at a fork in the road as to where I could go with my life, and I'm very grateful for the path that I chose. I know it was perfect for me, and I look at my life now and think how different things could have been if I hadn't of made that choice. I'M SO GLAD THAT I DID! I know that's the reason for my happiness and my many, many blessings!!!
Posted by
1:05 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I just got "tagged" by my college roomie Kari and am supposed to answer the following questions with one word (and one word only!) answers. These are fun, and I need some me time so here I go!
1. Where is your cell phone? pocketbook
2. Where is your significant other? church
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? awesome
5. Your father? handy
6. Your favorite thing? eating
7. Your dream last night? med-school
8. Your dream/goal? mortgage-free (to have no mortgage, trying to keep 1 word answers is hard!)
9. The room you're in? study
10. Your hobby? shopping
11. Your fear? sickness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? asleep
14. What you're not? laidback
15. One of your wish-list items? closet-organizers
16. Where you grew up? virginia
17. The last thing you ate? soup
18. What are you wearing? capris
19. Your TV? music
20. Your pet? asleep
21. Your computer? on
22. Your mood? tired
23. Missing someone? sanity
24. Your car? quest
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? kohls
27. Your summer? pregnant
28. Love someone? hubby
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? nope
I tag anyone else who wants some free time to think about somthing other than dinner, homework, baths and bedtime. (Kaylan consider yourself double tagged- me and Kari)
Posted by
6:15 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Monday
Pink Vacuum, very appropriate for our family! (yes dad, I emptied it out) :P
My jobs: management- all laundry and ironing, and overseeing that everything is done properly! Yeah, I wish... I do everything else and anything that involves dust and cleaner. I'll get to clean all 4 bathrooms again when Kacey and Kadyn are down for naps. Fun fun!!! :)
I really like that we do this together, it teaches the girls that sometimes (even if you don't want to) we clean up... and it also teaches them to clean as they go along during the week because it makes Monday's cleaning easier. (maybe I can teach my husband that too, hehe... sorry dear, couldn't resist!) But it's not out of sorts for my girls to spill crumbs or cut paper and then go get the vacuum and clean up the floor all on their own- without being asked/reminded.
We also look forward to Monday because when it's all done, we have Movie Time Monday with popcorn and usually play outside for longer than normal and with our chalk. Kylie also gets extra time to play her learning games on the computer, because she's Mommy's Big Helper and really makes my load lighter. And they'll make a fun kiddie dinner for us ~~~Matthew's got class on Monday evenings and well, we get bored :) SO it's not all work and no play! But I should probably get back to work...
Posted by
10:24 AM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday Morning Pictures
No Kadyn's not matching the older girls, she's so tiny... nothing fits yet! :)
***Heads up for the week, Dr appts Tuesday, for everyone. It's going to be a BAD day in my house. Kadyn gets her 1 month shots. I'm anxious to see how much she weighs now, on our scale she's weighing in right at 7.0. Back to Dr appts, Kylie and Kacey both need flu shots. Ugh. Any good ideas? Right now I'm thinking bribery with McDonald's ice cream cones afterwards... although it's flipping freezing here so ice cream might not be the way to go. (by freezing I mean the high is 60, and honestly we are SOOOOO cold!!!!)
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3:27 PM