Saturday, March 22, 2008


Uncle Bryan and Aunt Rosie went to Hawaii for a week and brought the girls back matching t-shirts. You can't see it too well, but they are adorable shirts- with palm trees, turtles, the sun, and beach balls.
Matthew and I are incredibly envious of their vacation, I mean so happy for them that they had such a fun time and have such great memories before getting tied down with kids... and they rubbed it in with a pretty postcard showing off the beaches and the fabulous weather. :)
Thanks for thinking of us, we love you guys! Hope to see you soon!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Joy...

We all know that my joy is matching my girls' clothes (and funny thing, I swore I would NEVER be that mom), I'm getting a 3rd girl and let's face it... I need to prepare!!!

So every few days I hop on ebay for my favorite dresses, to match for baby girl #3. ..which of course are not being sold at the stores/online anymore. Proud to say, that I have been victorious and I must agree that it is more exciting when you win it... "new with tags" never sounded better, especially with a winning bid of $5. (My poor mother-in-law, it pains me to think how much she spent on these dresses for Kylie and Kacey originally, but they are beautiful/high quality dresses.)
The girls will be wearing a white dress on Easter, one just came in the mail today (for baby girl #3) from ebay... Anyway, this is the next dress I'm bidding on, auction ends in 4 hours (bid is $3.57 and $2.50 shipping, how awesome is that?!).
I have two options, go smaller for new baby or buy larger for Kylie and everyone trade down. I think life will be easier in the future if instead of cleaning closets and moving clothes, everyone just switches bedrooms!!!

An affectionate sister choke hold :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My baby's 4 today!

Okay, I am proud of my cake and Kylie helped make it and was in charge of the sprinkles... it tastes perfect... I have secrets if you're interested. Anyway, I figure I'd make this year's because a "5" seems a little harder- we'll buy one next year.
This was about 7 this morning, Kylie opened her presents. She got rollerskates with elbow and knee pads, 3 bubble makers, and the new doll that swims... (fyi, i know some of you mom's are looking into it-- it's so not worth it, it's loud, it freaked Kylie out because it doesn't look as easy as on the commercial, in fact she threw it out of the tub and said she didn't want it anymore... fun times)
At Peter Piper Pizza playing games.
The basketball game is a family fave.
Kacey just had a great time playing with the birthday balloons from Yaya and Papa.

Kylie spent her birthday at Peter Piper Pizza, just with family. I seriously debated on doing the whole "party" thing, but I didn't have the energy and ultimately I didn't think she'd mind just having us... let it be publicly known, I will make up for it in next year's party.


We've already taken some pictures, because Kylie wanted to open her presents right away!!! I'll post them tonight with the others from the day. I'm very proud of my cake, too!

BUT, indulge me for a moment. Four years ago, I spent the night at Jordan Valley Hospital, my amniotic fluid was very low so they wanted to induce me. I was thrilled because my guess in the date pool was the 18th. At 8:30 am, they gave me petocin... by 9:30 am, I desperately wanted the epidural. Apparently, I was last on the list because it was my first child, blah blah, everyone else got to go first. It took Mr. Epidural Man 3 hours to get to me!!! The whole time I was sending Matthew in the hall to go and get someone, "BRING SOMEONE BACK!" He'd run out there like what am I supposed to do, there's no one here. Finally, I got my epidural- I had got to an 8 on my own- then I fell asleep from noon-4, waking up on and off to see Matthew whispering on the phone with all the family. My water broke on it's own sometime while I slept, Kylie worked her little way down the birth canal, no pain on my part. Matthew was on the phone with my mom giving updates, the doctor walked in, he hung up, I practically sneezed and out Kylie came (it was cake! but Kacey's was payback so don't be envious). Matthew called my mom back, she thought he was joking about it all being over. :)

6 pounds, 3 oz. 18 inches long. I can't believe it's been 4 years!