Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Preschool Trip to the Dentist

This was super fun! I got to go with "Tater Tots Preschool "to go meet Dr. Bryan the Dentist, who is Tate's dad and was so great with all the kids. I was really shocked by it all, well maybe impressed is a better word. The kids were so well behaved! They were quiet and polite. We all stayed in one room while there were other patients all around getting their teeth worked on.
I took pictures of all the kids whose moms I know, so here are your kids too! I was completely surprised that Kylie was so happy to sit in the chair, and she let him poke around in her mouth, very willingly and happy! This was such a great experience... I've been dreading taking her to the dentist (we had a pacifier for how long???) and this experience was fun and exciting and it's going to make our first "real" trip there so much easier! Thanks Tate, you're awesome!!!
This is James Hendricks, he was such the personality. I loved this picture with his mouth wide open! His mom told him that if he was good and sat in the chair and let Dr. Bryan help his teeth, then he was going to get beans in his jar, and then he'd get to play a special video game. Good job Rochelle, totally worked!
This is Mason Mohlman, he was so cute! He got in the chair and covered his eyes... I guess he was thinking, "if I can't see you, then it's really not that bad." But he was such a good sport about it. I don't think he really wanted to sit there, but he did it anyway :)
And here's Riley Mecham, she was so good! First one in the chair, happy as anything and very sweet to pose for a quick picture! She opened her mouth nice and wide and let Dr. Bryan look at all her teeth!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I love this weather!

Oh, I love this weather! My thermometer is reading 70, and it's supposed to be 72 tomorrow and Thursday! WOW! So I wish I could say that I took the girls to the park to enjoy the sun or let them play out front... (in what we call Boyd Circle because the whole circle is primarily our house)... but sadly I didn't. I did laundry and hours of ironing, I let Kylie mop the floor and unload the dishwasher... however she did find the time to dress herself this morning! How cute is she, crown and all!! Oh and I can't forget our gourmet meal for lunch... macaroni and cheese with hot dogs. I'll take the girls out Thursday.. tomorrow is our big preschool fieldtrip to the Dentist. I know you all will be anxiously waiting for the post tomorrow. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Test Day!

I keep finding other cute pictures from my camera that I didn't post. Obviously, this is from Disneyland... the Dumbo ride, a family favorite. And my personal favorite, because Matthew takes both of them and I relax my little self on a bench!


So today is the big blood test day. It will take about a week to be processed to get the results. You all know that AS SOON as I find out, I will post it. Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll, that was fun! I especially love you people (you know who) who emailed me to tell me you voted girl (because you know I want a girl) even though you kinda think it could, maybe, slightly be a boy. :)