August 2, 2010
12:48 pm
6 pounds, 3 ounces (same as Kylie and Kadyn!)
18 inches
Sorry, it has taken a while to post these. It has been a hectic week to say the least. I did not anticipate a c-section to be as painful and as difficult as it was, I was optimistic and positive about it all... however, I learned fairly quickly that it was not going to be cake... it still isn't. Anyway, here are some pictures.
Matthew right before they rolled me in.
It was all pretty fast, I just remember feeling like it was hard to breathe. And I was tilted, oddly to the left. I felt like a pinball machine. Matthew asked later if I smelled the burnt skin smell. I did not, thankfully so.
Matthew cutting Kloey's cord.
Kloey's first bath. Matthew went to the Nursery with her, but from what he tells me... she had some major lungs!!!
The funniest part was when my parents came with the girls later Monday afternoon. Matthew, as a good son in law, wrapped Kloey up and walked over to my mom to hand off the baby. My dad intercepted the hand off like you would not believe, hilarious! My mom was annoyed, but my dad was just thrilled to be holding Baby Kloey.
Quick Family Shot
AND Matthew's birthday!!!
We came home on Wednesday, Matthew's 33rd birthday. I felt badly for him, we had a card and Nike gift card to give him... but we really spent the day in the hospital. Where he spent a majority of his day helping me go to the bathroom and even just walk. We did manage to get him a little cake and sing! :) We'll have to make it up to him next year.
Happy Group!
More pictures to come, it's been a long week. Kloey's sleeping good, she's a really peaceful baby. I'm not myself really, the pain meds are screwing me up. Kadyn's adjusting to not being the baby, but it's hard because I can't hold her or lift her. So she spends a majority of the day with a lollipop. The older girls are in love with their littlest sister, and they'll sit and stare at her for hours. Matthew's been home helping to balance life, running into work periodically to keep up on things. My parents are in and out of our house constantly (I think they are babysitting me, which I need) making sure everyone's okay and giving everyone the love and attention they need at any given moment. We're really blessed to have an awesome church ward here, yummy dinners are coming in every night for the next 2 weeks -- and have since we've been home. Lots of phone calls checking in, we're here... just getting used to the new dynamics of life!