Monday, January 10, 2011

Technical Difficulites

We are back after some technical difficulties!  Somehow we lost the username and password to get onto the blog.  And by WE, I mean Matthew.  While I'm the one who does the blog, somehow I got logged out and had to log in.  Well, give me a few months and I totally forgot what it was.  Between his 5 different email accounts, and who knows what passwords we have between us... I FINALLY FOUND IT, and we are up and running again.  And I saved the info, so we will not be lost again!
With that said, I do not want to post Christmas pictures... UGH, so many... but I will, hopefully even later on today after lunch, during naptime.  I'm caught up on my PTA Treasury stuff, my laundry, my ironing, my food storage, my couponing, the rotation and donation of all my girls' shoes, AND my primary stuff!!!  I'm anticipating some major girl scout stuff happening in the near future as somehow I became Treasurer of the Troop (luv ya Missy!).  So if I don't get the Christmas pictures up, it may be Christmas when I find the time again!!!
On that note, this is Kylie's Brownie Troop... as they were going off Christmas Caroling a few weeks ago.  And now, she's selling Girl Scout Cookies....

So I'm offering that if any extended family/friends would like to support her and buy cookies from her ($4 a box... outrageous, I know... I sold them for $2.25 way back in the day), I will gladly ship them... as long as you don't buy like 20 boxes and it's ridiculous for me to ship.  :)
There are Thin Mints, Chocolate Peanut Butter (tagalongs), Carmel Delights (samoas), Shortbread, Shortbread with chocolate on one side, Lemonades, and some belgian type cookie... I think almost ginger snap-ish.  
**So if you want some just leave me a comment with your info, I won't publish it and we'll go from there.  Or you can just email me directly. 

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