We are doing well, my fluid increased (?) oddly enough. I'm not quite sure how that's happened- life hasn't given us a break and we just seem to be constantly on the go... rest and relaxation aren't in our vocabulary... but fortunately enough, Kloey's amniotic fluid DOUBLED and moved up to be in the low end of the normal range.
I had my last dr appt today. Kloey is still breech, with a slim to no chance of nose diving into the correct position! I have a c-section scheduled 1 week from today- on Monday, August 2nd at 12:30 pm... we can't wait to see our little baby girl! More info next week!!!
6 years ago
Hey you! I'm so glad to hear that your fluid is up. I sent you an email over a week ago, but it came back to me. Do you have a new email address? If so, send it to me so we can catch up! Love ya!
What great news about the fluid. I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to meet Kloey!
Times a comin'! And Kloey makes four... :)
Aunt Julie had three c-sections with our children. All the babies came out with perfectly round heads. :) LOL.
We had a great gynecologist named Dr. Crystal for our first baby, Amanda. He saw me sitting at Julie's head behind the "sterile screen" with my camera. He grabbed me and said, "You won't get any good pictures up there!" and proceeded to pull me down to the end of the table... "AAAAAHHHHHH"
I certainly got some great pics that day. The camera was the only thing b/w me and the c-section. LOL.
You and Baby Kloey are in our prayers as you both prepare for the c-section on Monday.
Aunt Julie and Uncle Tom
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