Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope your day was filled with as much joy (and crazy things that kids say) as ours was! After we were done opening presents, which wasn't until about 11 am... Kylie looks around and goes, "Okay, let's do it again. I want to open the presents!"

So we were up at 7:15 am, after quite a long night. Kylie knew Santa was coming... we left out cookies and milk, but she wanted to wait up for him (despite all the coaxing we did to convince her otherwise). Finally, Santa called us and told us he was going to come in our house, but Kylie was not asleep in her bed. So he couldn't come... but he would come back, if she went to bed. That did it! :)

It really was a wonderful Christmas! I was looking forward to it, because of all our fun traditions (eating Chinese on Christmas Eve for example, a little unorthodox... but we really look forward to it). BUT ALSO because it's our first Christmas (of many more to come) in our new house... now we don't have as many pictures as I'd like, but that's okay because we did a lot with the dvd camera. After recording about 25 minutes, we'd only opened 3 gifts... this is how the morning went :) We went this afternoon to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie, which was super fun. Dinner was supposed to be ham, german potatoes, pumpkin bread, and all the fixings. Too bad we were way too full to make it, because of all the movie food we ate. So we're saving it for Friday night when we have the missionaries over for dinner.

Okay, so let's face it.... 'tis the season for giving. And I hate the commercialism of the holiday. I really think it needs to be balanced, and the Christmas Season must include some sort of "good will toward men" other than just the typical "this is what I want for Christmas." So without going completely into my Young Women's lesson on Sunday. Our "good will toward men" experience will remain somewhat personal, but do know it happened and it was great.

NOW, for the top two favorite presents:

Kacey~ a little corded rotary toy phone and a toy animal train that moves on its own
Kylie~ a princess set with dresses, shoes and accessories (by 9 am, she was on her second dress)
and a toy dvd player that plays all the Princesses music.
This was a joint fave, the Aquadoodle... too bad they only want to play with it, when the other one is playing with it. It's caused a few fights and tears already :)

Matthew~ gps navigation system and a docking thingy for his IPOD
Me~ an assortment of perfumes (because I want a new fragrance but I'm undecided) and the nap I had in the afternoon :) ... no, and the JC Penney package of pretty new Sunday clothes that didn't make it in time for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all... and to all a goodnight!


Nicole said...

What a fun Christmas! It's good Santa was able to finally come :)

Missy said...

Hey Riley and Kylie need to play princess together. Ry is always playing dress up. Are we still on for Mc Donald's tomorrow for lunch? Looks like a good Christmas. I'm glad it is over though, how about you?

Missy said...

How about 12 at the Mc D's on Craig and Camino Al Norte? Call me if you need to change it. Sheri and her kids are gonna meet us too. Ry is so excited to see Kylie.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your pictures! Very festive and fun!

dadTB said...

Merry Christmas to the Boyds from west the Mississippi River!

We missed you all here in Pennsylvania, but the phone call from Matt was a nice touch on Christmas morning while we were all opening presents at Brad, Amanda, and Baby Addison's new home.(Addison lost her "belly button cord" that morning... It was big news!)

It's been some time since Aunt Julie and I experienced such an event. :-)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.

Aunt Julie and Uncle Tom

nM said...

What a fun day. It looks like the Princess gear was all the rage in many homes this year. It was in ours as well. Our family wishes yours a happy new year with lots of fun and good health! Love the Miller's