Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I reconnected with a friend that I've lost touch with for over 10 years, she was my best friend for such a long time... so many fun memories have her in them!  And it's so neat that she's EXACTLY the same in so many ways.

2. We're teaching the girls the "grateful game."  We play it every day.  It's precious-- and hilarious-- to hear the things they say they're grateful for. 

3. Kadyn's sweet little voice.  She's learning to mimmick.  So if I say uh-oh, she will too... in the same tone.  Or if I say, whooooooaaaaaa and really drag it out... she'll do the same. :)

4. The love of the middle child.  I'm going to remind myself that I'm grateful that she loves me so much- she crawls in bed with me, never leaves my side, and even has to shower with me... day after day after day... grateful for the love of a child that creeps into our room at night just to cuddle and sleep at my feet.

5.  DISNEYLAND!  Even better,


thepainterfamily said...

this is sweet nicole, I love #4.

and your coupon post...awesome. I love your idea for Christmas!

Nicole said...

how great... by the way, i've been thinking about you and hope that you've been to new moon!!!!!!

Nicole said...

how great... by the way, i've been thinking about you and hope that you've been to new moon!!!!!!

Nicole said...

how great... by the way, i've been thinking about you and hope that you've been to new moon!!!!!!

Nicole said...

i love that..... by the way, have you seen new moon yet??????