Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Pictures

We went orange today,
I love Kylie's face~ she's so happy to be the pickle in the middle.Matthew even accommodated us with his orange and blue tie. My tan little babies...


Missy said...

You all look great in orange! I love this time of year when we get tan. Kaedyn is starting to look like the big girls.

The Foulgers said...

You guys are getting tan! Hopefully you're spending plenty of time at the pool.
I also loved the soccer story on the previous post. Nicole I think you should have beaten the crap out of that little boy. What a punk! Kylie is one tough little gal!:)

thepainterfamily said...

You are so so tan! And it's only MAy! :) hehe! Those are some genes I definately did NOT pass on to my kids! :)